Cinnamon Granola

Making your own granola is wonderful because you can add anything to it: from your choice of grains to nuts, seeds & dried fruits to a range of spices.

Here is our fabulous simple recipe for Cinnamon Granola to get you started.


2 cups oats (you can use gluten free variety if preferred)
1 cup mixed nuts (whole or chopped - I love walnuts, pecans and almonds)
1 cup mixed dried fruits
1/2 cup mixed seeds (I used a mix of pumpkin and sunflower seeds)
1 tbsp black chia seeds
1 tbsp sesame seeds (I had the black variety)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tbsp coconut flakes
Pinch of nutmeg (ground or whole that is grated)
Pinch of sea salt
2 tbsp coconut oil melted (optional)
2 tbsp maple syrup (optional)


1.    Pre-heat oven to 180C

2.    Put all the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl

3.    Mix the oil and maple syrup together until a smooth liquid and mix into the dry ingredients

4.    Lay the ingredients onto a baking tray

5.    Bake in the oven for 10 minutes before mixing the ingredients

6.    Bake for a further 10 minutes or so until the mixture is starting to brown

7.    Leave to one side to cool completely

8.    Put in glass jars or glass containers to store in your pantry until you are ready to eat.

9.    Best enjoyed with some delicious coconut yoghurt and a topping of home-made berry compote

  • Remember that you can add any variety of nuts, seeds & flavours of your choice to make this truly your style and taste!


Ekra (Aubergine Dip)


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