Slow Cooked Smoky Bean Stew

I know traditionally stews are seen as Winter dishes however making stews and casseroles are a healthy and hearty meal that can be enjoyed any time of year, especially following a plant-based diet where you want to benefit from maximum flavours, textures as well as ensuring you get enough of the right proteins into your body.

This is also a great dish to make and enjoy after the weekend, when you may have leftover vegetables and beans that can be used up in making a stew (or soup, or salad)!

Serves 4


2 tins of beans of your choice (I use haricot beans and butter beans but any variety works well)
2 medium sweet potatoes, skin removed and diced or you can use 1 white and 1 sweet potato or 2 white potatoes
1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced
1 inch fresh ginger, grated
1 can chopped tomatoes
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 small fresh chilli (deseeded) and finely sliced
1 tbsp tamarind paste
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tbsp melted coconut oil
Fresh coriander for garnish
Fresh spinach leaves for garnish
Optional: 1 small can of sweetcorn adds that extra bite and sweetness to this dish


1.    In a deep frying pan or saucepan add the coconut oil, chilli, ginger, peppers & potato

2.    Saute for approx 10 minutes

3.    Add all the spices and mix

4.    Add the chopped tomatoes & mix

5.    Add the beans (and sweetcorn if using), mix, turn heat down and simmer for 30 minutes

6.    Top with garnish and serve

Alternatively, you can add all these ingredients to a slow cooker and cook over a period of 3-4 hours.

This dish is great on its own, served with brown rice or on top of toasted sourdough bread and a salad garnish.


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