Sweet Potato Chapati

A truly delicious, quick and easy recipe for chapatis.

Makes 6-8 chapatis (depending on the size).


  • 1 cup wholemeal or plain flour (haven't tried it yet with gluten free)

  • 1 medium sweet potato, washed

  • Optional extras: pinch of sea salt (not required though)


  • Boil the sweet potato in its skin (doesn't absorb the water this way) until cooked

  • In a mixing bowl add the flour and the flesh of the sweet potato (once it has cooled down slightly and you can handle it) and mix together until it forms a dough (using gloves helps avoid sticky fingers

  • If mixture is too sticky you may need to add more flour until you feel you can roll dough out

  • Make 6-8 balls

  • Flour a clean work surface and roll out each ball into a round 'chapati' shape

  • In a heated frying pan or cast iron skillet (no oil needed), lay out the chapati and cook for a couple minutes before turning over and cooking for a further minute. You will see as it cooks as the bread forms air bubbles.

Enjoy with a curry or lentil dahl and salad!

Lentil Dahl with Sweet Potato Spinach Meal Prep.jpg

Lentil Dahl


Pasta Salad