Veggie Shepherds Pie

This is a quick and easy dish to make and is versatile enough to suit any dietary requirement (i.e. gluten free, soy free, meat free, nothing processed etc).

The only thing you have to decide is what you will use to create the delicious filling.

For this recipe, I am using ‘soy mince’ however you can use lentils or beans as the meat alternative substitute. Whatever you use, following this recipe will give you a delicious meal that can be enjoyed fresh on the day as well as portioned out and kept in the fridge or even frozen for later in the week/month.

Serves 4


1 1/2 cup soya mince, mixed with 3 cups hot water and 2 veggie stock pots/cubes, leave to one side
2 celery stalks, washed and thinly sliced
1 cup button mushrooms, washed and diced (optional)
1 large carrot, washed, peeled and diced
1 cup green peas
4 tbsp vegetable gravy granules or 2 tbsp corn/arrow root flour mixed with cold water to make a paste
1 tbsp vegetable/coconut oil
8 large potatoes, washed, peeled and boiled until soft ready to be mashed
1 tbsp plant-based butter
1/4 cup plant-based milk
Salt & pepper to taste
Plant-based cheese for the topping


  1. Boil the potatoes until soft, drain and leave to one side

  2. Pre-heat oven to 190C/380F

  3. In a medium saucepan add the oil and start to saute the celery and mushrooms for 5 minutes

  4. Add the soya mince mixture and saute for 5 minutes

  5. Add the carrots and peas and saute for 5 minutes

  6. Add the stock pots/cubes and mix well

  7. Add the gravy granules or corn/arrow root mixture into the saucepan and mix. You want the liquid to be semi-thick in texture, like a gravy and not too watery. If too thick, add a little water. If too runny, add a little more flour/gravy granules

  8. Put the vegetable mix in an oven proof dish

  9. Mash the potatoes adding the butter, milk and salt & pepper until smooth

  10. Top the veggie dish with the potatoes and if using cheese sprinkle on the top before baking in the oven for 45 minutes

  11. Enjoy with a green salad

- You can use sweet potatoes for the mash or even a mix of white and sweet potatoes to maximise the flavour
- If using beans/lentils in stead of soya mince, mix in 2 cups at the beginning


No ‘beef’ Stew


Persian ‘Sabzi’ Polo (Fresh Herby Rice)