Festive Hosting

The festive period is not far off now and many of us stress in the lead up to the ‘big day’.

However, it should be a time of happiness, having fun, laughing, being in good and loving company as well as enjoying a variety of delicious foods.

Food plays a ‘big’ part to any celebration and gatherings, therefore I wanted to share some great tips with you, especially if you are hosting, in order to make your festive meal a huge success!.

Get colourful and creative

  • We eat with our eyes so colour is key!

  • The more variety you can bring in your dishes with colour, the better.

  • The best way to do this is to have a variety of both cooked and fresh dishes as well as combining a cooked dish with fresh ingredients i.e. roasted Brussel sprouts with jewels of fresh pomegranate or even fresh cranberries spread across the top for garnish.

Variety in Texture

  • Sometimes festive feasts can get quite mushy, what with overcooked veggies topped with lashings of gravy however the way it looks can be quite off putting and unappealing.

  • I always like to have a fresh salad on offer, with a variety of nuts, seeds and fresh fruits and vegetables which will compliment all the roasted and boiled vegetables you have on offer.

  • * One of my favourite salads is a quinoa, spinach, roasted butternut squash, dried cranberries and roasted walnuts served warm with a wholegrain mustard, lemon, and plant-based yogurt and/or mayo dressing. 😋

Don’t forget to add seasoning

  • Many complain that vegan food can be bland! In our household and catering events, that is simply NOT TRUE!

  • Seasoning using a variety of both fresh and dried herbs and spices is an important part of the cooking process and will decide whether the dish is a ‘hit or miss’!

  • As you replace the centre piece with an alternative plant-based main dish, make sure that whatever it is (wellington, plant-based roast, whole roasted veggies) that it is well seasoned.

  • Over the festive period, some of the most common and familiar flavours are thyme and sage combined with nuts (walnuts & chestnuts) not to mention adding some fresh flavours to your roasties (rosemary works well). In addition, what makes the meal a success and completes the dish is the gravy and of course, not forgetting the cranberry sauce.

So pay attention to the little details and flavours.

Add a little twist

  • Festivities can mean over indulging in alcohol however wouldn't it be nice if we added some fresh and vibrant coloured cocktails to our offerings.

  • Alcohol can leave us feeling dehydrated as well as groggy, perhaps being the cause of a few disagreements, not in the least leaving us perhaps forgetting those specials moments we shared with loved ones.

  • * Try a Virgin Mojito by mixing up: 1 tbsp sugar or maple syrup, juice from 3 limes, a small bunch of fresh mint & soda water. Using a pestle and mortar (or use a small bowl and the end of a rolling pin) mash the mint and sugar together. Put a handful of crushed ice into 2 tall glasses. Divide the lime juice between the glasses with the mint mix. Add a straw and top up with soda water. Refreshing & delicious


Giving your home, kitchen and table a little extra twinkle with attention to detail will make you, your family and your guests feel that wee bit more special.

  • Light some candles, burn some festive candles that combine fresh smells of cinnamon and orange that spreads across your home.

  • Lay a nice table with a decorative sprinkles and sparkles across it.

  • Use your best cutlery, crockery, glassware and tableware.

Not only will it look good, the food and drink enjoyed using these items will taste so much better.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST remember why you have all come together.

Remember what the festivities are all about.

Regardless of whether you are religious or not, celebrating Christmas or not, take this time to gather with loved ones and truly GIVE THANKS for the occasion, for each other, for the feast you are about to share and enjoy together and most of all, for the valuable time you have!

Last but not least, send love out to the world and all in it energetically. The world is struggling with much chaos, war, famine, loneliness and much more and at a time when many of us are fortunate enough to spend time with loved ones and enjoy warmth of our homes and enjoy food on our table, many can not share in this experience. If you live in a community that helps those less fortunate than ourselves, get out there and give a few hours of your time helping those in need - it is a wonderful feeling and those you are helping truly need the care, love and attention that you can give, NOW MORE THAN EVER!


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